I registered and paid for the XXIV ISPRS Congress (full or reduced fees). Do I have to register and pay to participate in the ISPRS 2022 congress ? 

No, your registration is still automatically valid. Your registration category has allowed you to participate and submit a paper to the 2020 and/or the 2021 edition of the XXIV Congress and allows you to participate and submit a paper to the 2022 edition of the XXIV ISPRS congress.


I registered and paid for the 2020 ISPRS Virtual Event only and/or the 2021 ISPRS Digital edition only of the XXIV ISPRS congress. Do I have to register and pay to participate in the ISPRS 2022 congress ? 

Yes, you will have to register and pay again. Here is the link to register: 

https://www.isprs2022-nice.com/index.php/participate-submit/#register .


I had a full paper/abstract accepted and published in 2020 / 2021. Can I attend the conference and present this work in person in 2022?

Authors of a paper published in the proceedings of the 2020 and 2021 Editions will have the possibility to present this work in person with a poster in the 2022 Edition without having to submit a new paper. A selection of papers from previous Editions will be given the opportunity to give live oral presentations. We will provide more details on this early February


Does a ONE-DAY XXIV ISPRS congress registration fee give me the opportunity to publish a paper for the 2022 edition?

No, a one-day registration can not cover the publication of your paper. A paper is published if and only if one of the authors has a registration for the XXIV Congress. One registration can not cover several papers. One paper, one registration.


I don’t know if I will be able to travel Nice in June 2022. 

Will I be able to present my paper from remote?

Yes, indeed, we will offer this possibility with a technology that has been experienced successfully for the 2020 and 2021 editions. But we hope that the sanitary situation will improve and you will finally be able to present on-site. 


If I can only present from remote, and I am not registered yet, would I pay the same registration fee as on-site presenters?

No, we will exceptionally offer a 50% discount (early bird) on your registration category fees which includes the publication of your paper. But please be aware, that remote participation does not benefit from all the features provided on-site.


I am registered as a remote presenter and I am now able to come to Nice. Can I change my registration category? 

Yes, you will be able to upgrade your registration up to 7 weeks before the beginning of the Congress.


Registration category Overview